Celebrate Peterborough PRIDE with the 6th Annual Hangover Bangover!

PARD Peterborough Area Roller Derby is hosting it’s 6th Annual Outdoor Peterborough Pride Scrimmage Hangover Bangover 2017 on Sunday Sept 24th from 3-5pm at the Legacy Bowl in Peterborough. And as always, it is a CO-ED scrimmage!

It’s fun for the whole family! This year we are kicking things up a notch and adding a little colour to the day. 1005 Fresh Radio will be on-site supplying the rocking soundtrack for all the booty blocks and lead jams. Face painting for the kids! There will be a BBQ, drinks, snacks and cold treats available to purchase. And don’t forget …. special HANGOVER BANGOVER merch!!!

Wanna be a Beaver Tail or Flying Spaghetti Monster? Of course you do!!! Follow the link and get signed up. Sign up will close Sept 15th so don’t delay! Sign up today!

Need a shirt? No problem! Team shirts are $25 and can be paid for via e-transfer to PtboAreaRD@gmail.com using the password rollerderby

Wanna show off your stripes and ref? Of course you do! Follow the link and be part of Team Dazzle me Zebra

Are you pretty in pink and want to NSO or Volunteer for the day? Of course you do! Follow the link and join the fun!! We sign Volunteer Hours sheets as well!!!

RAIN DATE IS OCTOBER 1st. Same proud place, same proud time.

Peterborough Pride 2016 !

Thanks to everyone who came out to the rainbow of events last weekend as part of Peterborough Pride.  If you were at the parade, you might have made it onto the news: Chex News

And.. if you weren’t there for the Hangover Bangover, you missed out on some prime shenaniganning, and fall fashion faux fa-la-las.14434917_1415855098443811_7622400502372009580_o


Thanks to all the peeps who came out to watch, ref, NSO, sell merch and otherwise do all the things.