Help Our League Grow (Again!)

PARD Peterborough Area Roller Derby Logo adapted in green with encircling vine and leaf sproutPeterborough Area Roller Derby is doing another spring seed fundraiser in partnership with Florabunda Seeds. 🌱💚🌱. Reach out via DM or contact your favourite skater to connect for your order — all orders due March 1 so we can get the seeds to eager sprouters by the middle of March at the latest.
There are two ways to order: either by selecting individual items on the or by picking one of the mixes / collections shown below (or download the Ptbo Area Roller Derby info sheet).
Don’t know Florabunda? Here’s a bit about them :
About Florabunda Seeds
Florabunda Seeds is dedicated to preserving old species of flowers and vegetables, many of which are the parents of today’s modern hybrids. These are the flowers of English cottage gardens of the past, species such as hollyhocks, cosmos, foxglove, calendula, asters, zinnias, flax and cone flower.
Florabunda Seeds has grown into one of the largest suppliers of Victorian Cottage Flower seeds.
Florabunda Seeds has grown into one of the largest suppliers of Victorian Cottage Cottage Garden Flower Seeds.Cottage garden seeds were salvaged from abbeys and monasteries in England in the middle ages. Others were brought back to Britain by plantsmen who were sent out on plant-hunting expeditions around the world.
Modern planting breeding and hybridization have turned the public’s eye away from many of our precious heirloom flowers, including the original species and the old, named heirloom varieties.
By preserving and circulating these seeds, we help maintain a strong genetic plant base, thus ensuring their survival.
Our flower and vegetable seeds have a long and colourful history. In planting Florabunda seeds, you play a part in not only continuing the history of heirloom seeds, but of adding to the history with your own gardening stories

list of seed bundles and sets available to purchase - - email for more info.

Because we know you just can’t wait — why not get your season’s tickets now and save!

Our home schedule is: April 26, May 24, and June 28, 2025 — more details coming soon.

Ticket prices are generally $15 at the door per person.

Buy early and save big:

  • Lone Wolf Single season ticket $40
  • Pack Mate Pair-up (pair of season tickets) $70
  • Leaders of the Pack – FAN VIP Package (two season VIP seats plus Swag Bag ) $100. Limited quantities available of the VIP Package.

You can pre-order your tickets by visiting our shop at





PARDy on the RADIO

Talk Derby to Me is a community created radio show broadcasting weekly — Mondays at 8:30 pm, through the facilities of Trent Radio at 92.7 FM on the dial, or on the web at  

Missed the live broadcast?  episodes will be uploaded to ACAST, so you can catch up on all your favourite local (and sometimes international) derby chat. 


Learn to Skate / Roller Derby 101 Meet & Greet!

Roller Derby Meet & Greet October 6, 7-8pm. roller derby skaters in tripod formation.

Here’s your chance to find out more about joining our Roller Derby 101 program!

Veteran skaters and coaches will be on hand to give demonstrations, talk about the program, and help with fitting of skates and other gear.

The Roller Derby 101 Program will run weekly on Sundays from 7-9pm at the Village on Argyle, the winter home of Peterborough Area Roller Derby.  The cost for the program is $150, and participants must purchase roller skating insurance through WFDTI Canada.

More information about 101

Get Ready to Roll! Peterborough Area Roller Derby Wants You!

Join the PARTY Party.Hard. black and white photo of group of black jerseyed roller derby athletes in a hug huddle.
photo credit Darren Stehr

We are recruiting new league skaters as well as people who just want to learn how to skate into our Learn to Skate / Roller Derby 101 course.   This 10 week course will run Sunday evenings at the Village on Argyle (Peterborough) beginning October 20.  

A Meet & Greet is being hosted October 6 for 7-9pm. 

The Derby 101 program is $150, plus insurance. We accept cash, cheque (made out to Peterborough Area Roller Derby), or e-transfer (which can be sent to Please put your name, and DERBY 101 in the memo field of your EFT!). Insurance is paid directly to WFTDi and the forms for that can be found on their website.

Hold your space now for Roller Derby 101 by filling out this form.  Your registration will not be complete until you have made your $150 payment.

Roller derby competition season runs late spring and through the summer, but you are welcome to join our development program just to meet new community, learn a fun skill and get exercise.

After successful completion of the 101 program, skaters are integrated into league practices. Though currently our competitive teams are for female identifying athletes, we are a coed league with skating opportunities for everyone.

To learn more about the equipment needed to get started, check out our Roller Derby 101 page!

Want to join the A team?  Try out for PARD Charter!

Sign up now!

Charter Tryouts collage of text and charter roller derby skaters.

Interested players are asked to complete form to secure a tryout spot for PARD’s charter team for the 2025/26 season.

We are a new charter team that has success in our second WFTDA season.

We are an inclusive competitive team who is looking for players with the same mindset.

PARD practices are Tuesdays (league) from 6:30-8:30 and Charter 8:30-9:30. We will be adding a second practice night closer to game season, we will poll the team with available options to determine when the second practice will be.

Monthly dues are $65 for Charter skaters.

There is a 50% attendance requirement for both charter and league practices in order to maintain good standing as a skater in the league.

This team travels internationally, so a passport is required.

Please come to tryouts prepared to work hard and bring your black and white jerseys.

Try out date is September 14 4-7pm at the Bewdley Arena.

There is a $15 fee to tryout. These payments can be sent to with tryouts in the comments.

photo credit Darren Stehr 2024

Peterborough Area Roller Derby Wants You!

4 roller derby athletes arms around each other turned away from viewer with test: Charter & Regulation Bench Application 2025-25 SearchPeterborough Area Roller Derby is on the hunt for dynamic coaching staff for the 2025/26 season. We’re a fun league with both a Regulation and Competitive WFTDA team, and we need coaches ready to make a difference!

We’re looking for coaches who can contribute to practice plans, strategy, lead and run practices, and either bench coach, line manage, or take stats during games. However, we welcome those interested in specific roles too (e.g., line managing, jammer coaching, etc.). You will be collaborating with a dedicated team of player-coaches, working together to ensure the continued success of our derby league.

The Season starts in September 2024 (tryouts Sept 14 2024) and will run through to next year, with league breaks.

photo credit Darren Stehr 2024