Season Opener Bout THIS SATURDAY! MAY 23

spring fling colourIt’s this weekend!

Saturday May 23 at the Douro Community Centre & Arena.

Area 705 / Peterborough Roller Derby vs. Stratford’s Decapulettes

& Toronto Men’s Roller Derby’s Team Outrage vs the Quadfathers of Utica NY.

Doors open at 3pm.  Whistles at 4pm & 6pm.

Lots of onsite vendors, including food.  No ATM onsite, so bring some cash.

Tickets 10$ at the door, or in advance from a skater, Things from Mom’s Basement or Mind Over Matter Tattoos (both on Charlotte St.) or FABB Hair Studio.  Kids under 10 get in Free.

Come early for suicide seating! (must be 18 year of age to sit in the suicide section).

Still looking for volunteers if you’re interested — no experience required.  Contact us by email or on our facebook page.

Advance Ticket Sales for Spring Fling!

Spring Fling Banner






Want to have a souvenir sparkly ticket to our May 23 Spring Fling Double Header?

Pick them up at any of these local businesses:

Mind Over Matter, 230 Charlotte St.,

Things from Mom’s Basement, 192 Charlotte St

and FABB Studio

Name That League Contest!

Who wants the chance to win cool stuff ?

You do, and here’s how you can:

We have aname that leaguen exciting season of derby ahead of us this year! Exciting seasons mean exciting contests!! With the recent merge between Area 705 and Peterborough Roller Derby Leagues we find ourselves needing a new league name. That’s where YOU come in! We need your help naming our brand new league.

The “Name This League” Contest starts now! We will be accepting name suggestions until midnight, July 31st, 2015. At that time the members of Area 705/Peterborough Roller Derby will vote for their favorite. The winning name will be announced at our Season Closer Bout on August 22nd.

To Enter: Simply comment or email us through our website or facebook, or better yet visit the Area 705/Peterborough Roller Derby merchandise booth at our home bouts on May 23 and June 20 at the Douro Community Center. It is that easy.

You can’t have a contest without a prize! The winner will receive a league t-shirt displaying our brand new league name and logo, as well as a set of Seasons tickets for all our home bouts for the 2016 Season. And.. you’ll be the coolest cat in town.

Now …. GO!


Area 705 Roller Derby & Peterborough Roller Derby have joined forces!

Blended Derby FamilyArea 705 Roller Derby and Peterborough Roller Derby announce our recent merger to consolidate the derby community in Peterborough County.

After several months of preparation & discussion between the two boards, the merger was formalized at an inaugural Annual General Meeting on March 31 2015, with the election of a new board voted in comprised of members from the blended league.

Our big happy derby family was busy getting game-ready at the Douro Community Arena this past Sunday and are super excited for our upcoming season!

Stay tuned for more details as the season unfolds!