PARD Charter Team Tryouts

Register here!

#rollerderby #rollerskating #quadskating #team #teammates #peterborough #ontario #getlow #derbystance #contactsports #PARD #PeterboroughAreaRollerDerby #wftda #tryout


PARD will be hosting charter team tryouts November 18th, 2023 from 6:30-9:30.

Information and sign ups can be found here:

We will be using a matrix and skills assessment that will include footwork/skills assessment and a scrimmage to assess level of game play.

Practices will be open for the month of October for those interested in getting some time in with our skaters.

Wanna join the PARDy??!!

Register for PARD’s 10 week Derby 101 September Intake!

Date: Sunday evenings, starting September 24th, 2022

Time: 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Location: The Village on Argyle (

Cost: $150.00 plus insurance 

Register here:

No skating experience necessary – bring your own protective gear and skates (we have a limited collection of gear to loan out on a first come, first served basis)

There will be a “Meet & Greet” Sunday, September 17th, 2023 at the Village on Argyle from 6:30 – 8:30 PM where you can meet us, try on gear, and get answers to your burning skate questions! 

We can’t wait to meet you!

Sign up for WFTDi insurance at this site:

MAKE SURE THAT YOU JOIN THE LEAGUE after you make your WFDTi profile and pay.

PARD on Global News Ptbo!

In this installment of “PARD in the News”, we’re on TV!! So proud of our teammates Nat and Sarie for representing the league so well!!

Click the link above to watch the interview and then come see us play our final home bout TOMORROW at Douro Arena – doors open at 3:30!!