It’s official. PARDy TIME! EXCELLENT! was Excellent!
PARD’s Riverside Riot Squad took the win from Alliston’s Bombshell Battalion on May 26 in the hot & sweaty Douro Arena.
Final score was 363 to 211 for the Riot Squad.
Great home season opener!
Thank you to all the fans, refs, NSO’s, volunteers, announcers, sponsors, photographers, Cogeco staff, arena staff, coaches, league members, travelling opponents and supporting families who made this bout a great success!
It’s been a busy couple of weeks here at PARDy central — stay tuned for updates on recent bouts.
But in the meantime, we have to ask.. do you have your PARDy Time tickets yet? Contact a skater, drop by Things from Mom’s Basement on Charlotte St., or message us on Facebook, and we’ll set you up with some!
DEADLINE TO ENTER IS APRIL 6! Enter by clicking the paragraph above and going straight to our facebook post, or follow us on Instagram. Or just send us some cool carrier pigeons and/or telepathic messages. Messages encoded into fortune cookies or filled donuts might be an idea as well. Whatever works for you.
Peterborough Area Roller Derby’s Riverside Riot Squad finished off their undefeated home season with a full contact double header House PARDy featuring four local leagues on July 29 at the Douro Arena and Community Centre.
In the first game, the Belleville Bombshells skated past Durham Region Roller Derby’s Motor City Madams with a final score of 347:147.
In more local rivalry, PARDy’s Riverside Riot Squad took over Lindsay’s Repeat Offenders with a score of 199 – 112. MVPS for PARDy were The Dick-tator & Molly Spartan; MVPS for Lindsay – MarWoww & Juniper Hill. Fan Favourites were Car On Fyre (PARDY) and Juniper Hill (LRD).
The event was also in support of Bras Around the Building, hosted by Energy 99.7, with a number of gently used bras being collected towards the cause.
PARDy would like to thank the community for their support over this home season: fans, sponsors, volunteers, referees and non-skating officials, as well as our media partners Fresh Radio, Energy 99.7, and Cogeco.
The Riverside Riot Squad continues their away season on August 12 in Ottawa.
Our final home season double header — House PARDY — on July 29, is in support of Bras Around The Building Peterborough. Save $2 off your ticket price at the door, with the donation of a gently used bra that will be washed, and donated to a women’s shelter in the community.
Other ways to save — purchase tickets in advance from a skater, or from Things from Mom’s Basement on Charlotte in order to save $5 off your tickets! Only $10 / ticket when purchased in advance.
And stayed tuned to the morning shows on our radio sponsor stations, Fresh 100.5 and Energy 99.7 for your chance to win free tickets the week before the bouts!