Get Ready to Roll! Peterborough Area Roller Derby Wants You!

Join the PARTY Party.Hard. black and white photo of group of black jerseyed roller derby athletes in a hug huddle.
photo credit Darren Stehr

We are recruiting new league skaters as well as people who just want to learn how to skate into our Learn to Skate / Roller Derby 101 course.   This 10 week course will run Sunday evenings at the Village on Argyle (Peterborough) beginning October 20.  

A Meet & Greet is being hosted October 6 for 7-9pm. 

The Derby 101 program is $150, plus insurance. We accept cash, cheque (made out to Peterborough Area Roller Derby), or e-transfer (which can be sent to Please put your name, and DERBY 101 in the memo field of your EFT!). Insurance is paid directly to WFTDi and the forms for that can be found on their website.

Hold your space now for Roller Derby 101 by filling out this form.  Your registration will not be complete until you have made your $150 payment.

Roller derby competition season runs late spring and through the summer, but you are welcome to join our development program just to meet new community, learn a fun skill and get exercise.

After successful completion of the 101 program, skaters are integrated into league practices. Though currently our competitive teams are for female identifying athletes, we are a coed league with skating opportunities for everyone.

To learn more about the equipment needed to get started, check out our Roller Derby 101 page!

New Years Resolution? JOIN THE PARDY

poster for Peterborough Area Roller Derby 101 program Meet & Greet, Tues January 30th 7 - 8pm, the Village on Argyle.  Theme Fatale is wearing the jammer cover and skating towards a point behind your right shoulder. Register for PARD’s 10 week Derby 101 February Intake!

Date: starting February 6, 2024

Note: Currently the Derby 101 program is scheduled for Tuesday nights and runs for 10 weeks but there is a possibility that it will move to Wednesdays starting in March. You will be updated as soon as this is confirmed.

Time: 7:00-9:00 pm (doors open at 6:45 to gear up.)

Location: The Village on Argyle (

Cost: $150.00 plus insurance 

Register here

No skating experience necessary – bring your own protective gear and skates (we have a limited collection of gear to loan out on a first come, first served basis)

There will be a “Meet & Greet” Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at the Village on Argyle from 7:00-8:00 PM where you can meet us, try on gear, and get answers to your burning skate questions! 

We can’t wait to meet you!

Sign up for WFTDi insurance at this site:

MAKE SURE THAT YOU JOIN THE LEAGUE after you make your WFDTi profile and pay.

Skate Nights are Back — Love to Skate!

Come out to Peterborough Area Roller Derby’s February Open Recreational Skate Night: Friday February 15, from 7 – 9pm

Location:  The Village on Argyle Gym, 780 Argyle ST., Peterborough

Admission 2$ at the door — please bring cash, though there is an ATM on site.  PARD members skate free.

Here’s your chance to shake your tail feather with coloured disco lights and styling dj’ing.  And the last dance will NOT be a slow dance.

Open skate nights — everyone welcome — all ages.  No Experience Necessary.

Bring your own gear.

We do have a small amount of gear available for rental at $5 for the night, contact us if you are interested and we will let you know if we have something that will fit you.  Do NOT assume we’ll have your size if you show up at the door!

All skaters must either have valid CRDI insurance, or be willing to sign a waiver.  For those who’d like to download, print and fillout waivers in advance, here they are! 18+ skate waiver  or kids skate waiver.

There will be pop and water available for purchase from PARD – $1

Roller Derby 101 continues this January!

Are you fresh to skating, or need a refresher?  We’re running another multi-generational series of Roller Derby 101 starting in January 2019, and you should join!

Program runs for 12 weeks on Fridays, starting in January.  $150, plus insurance; Refs in training skate for free!

Information nights will happen Tuesday December 4 and Friday December 7 at the Village on Argyle from 7-9pm.     Check out our facebook event for more information, or RVSP

#rollerderby # Rumblingrage #rollerfit #rollerskating #jointhepardy

Only a week to go to our November Let’s Move Public Skate!

Join us at the Village on Argyle Friday November 30 7-9 pm  for our last public skate of 2018.  All donations at the door are going to the Peterborough Regional Hospital Foundation to support their oncology department and family supports.

If you need skates, don’t forget to book them now through our FB event page!

Also, did you know that #Movember is a registered charity?  it’s not too late to sign up for this year!  We encourage you to visit their website to learn more.  If you want to donate to them at the door, please let us know, and we’ll hold the funds separate from the PRHC funds.


Introducing our new Board of Directors for 2019!
(Back L-R) Saul Good as Co-President, Break’er Thigh as Co-President, Sassitude as Secretary, Dicinta Grater as Skater Rep, Ginger Jax as Skater Rep (Front L-R) Car on Fyre as Treasurer and Molly Spartan as Insurance Rep! Congratulations to all!! 

And thank you to our 2018 board members for their tireless work this season– Axel S, The Body, Brit Disturber, Stevie Stitches, Shots O’Plenty & Betty Rage.

Movember Let’s Skate! Fundraiser Public Roller Skate

There probably isn’t one of us who has not been affected by cancer in one way or another — #JointhePARDy in our #Movember open roller skate night, a fundraiser for the Peterborough Regional Health Centre Foundation, with a focus of supporting oncology work at the hospital. Admission fees will be donated to the PRHC, and additional donations welcomed and appreciated.

And, in keeping with the #Movember theme, free mustachios to the first 40 skaters!

As always, excellent tunes to get you out on the skate floor, and shaking off the things that have been weighing you down.

Please park in the North (Paved Lot) at the Village on Argyle, 780 Argyle Street, Peterborough, ON and enter through the Service Entrance — we can’t use the external gym door any more.

Open skate nights — everyone welcome — all ages.

Bring your own gear.

Non-league members are welcome! If you don’t have current CRDI insurance, you will need to sign a waiver.

We do have a small amount of gear available for rental at $5 for the night, contact us if you are interested and we will let you know if we have something that will fit you. PREBOOKING GEAR IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Don’t assume we’ll have what you need if you just show up!

There will be pop  available for purchase from PARD – $1