We are recruiting new league skaters as well as people who just want to learn how to skate into our Learn to Skate / Roller Derby 101 course. This 10 week course will run Sunday evenings at the Village on Argyle (Peterborough) beginning October 20.
A Meet & Greet is being hosted October 6 for 7-9pm.
The Derby 101 program is $150, plus insurance. We accept cash, cheque (made out to Peterborough Area Roller Derby), or e-transfer (which can be sent to ptboareard@gmail.com. Please put your name, and DERBY 101 in the memo field of your EFT!). Insurance is paid directly to WFTDi and the forms for that can be found on their website.
Hold your space now for Roller Derby 101 by filling out this form. Your registration will not be complete until you have made your $150 payment.
Roller derby competition season runs late spring and through the summer, but you are welcome to join our development program just to meet new community, learn a fun skill and get exercise.
After successful completion of the 101 program, skaters are integrated into league practices. Though currently our competitive teams are for female identifying athletes, we are a coed league with skating opportunities for everyone.
To learn more about the equipment needed to get started, check out our Roller Derby 101 page!