Head out to the Douro Community Centre on July 13 to see not only PARD regulation meet up with the Renegade Derby Dames but also Next Gen PARD Juniors taking on Alliston Junior Roller Derby for their first home game!
Doors Open 1:30 pm
Juniors 2:00 pm
Regulation 4:00 pm
Come for the Derby, stay for the half time Chuck a Duck for great prizes. Also check out league sponsor Mammoth BBQ who will be cooking up a storm in the parking lot.
Tickets $15 at the door, 10$ in advance (Advanced tickets available via Square! )
There is no ATM on site, but we are now able to take Square for payments, so you can grab a Capy shirt (or two) and pick up some of our new merch items.
See you there!